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Overview of POSVL

Purpose of the License

  • POSVL is a license intended to verify the technical and legal compliance of software before it is officially released as open source1.
  • By establishing a successor license after the verification period, the license ensures that the software is intended to be released as open source in the future, while collaborating with users to confirm technical and legal compliance2.

How to Use the License

  • Verification Period and Successor License Setup: When using the software, the verification period must first be established to confirm technical and legal compliance during that time. Additionally, the successor open source license to be applied after verification must be specified in advance.

    1. Verification Period: During the verification period, the use of the software is limited to non-commercial purposes. Redistribution for non-commercial educational purposes is permitted, but the conditions of POSVL must be clearly stated. If an extension of the verification period is needed, both parties must agree.

      • Filling Section: The end date should be recorded as “Year / Month / Day.” If the verification is not completed by this date, the period may be extended by mutual agreement.
    2. Successor License: Once verification is complete, the software will be released under the designated successor license and made officially available as open source.

      • Filling Section: Specify the name of the open source license that will be applied after verification. This step ensures that both the user and the licensor clearly understand the future licensing terms.
  • Transfer of Rights upon Modification: If the software is modified, the rights to those modifications are irrevocably licensed to the copyright holder.

Note 1: See the Open Source Initiative for the definition of open source.

Note 2: Software without a license is illegal to download or use. POSVL clarifies the intent to apply an open source license.